20161211_165110Joining Madrigali is more like joining a band than a choir; we do an annual Yuletide concert, but most of our ‘work’ is gigging. We have about 20 gigs a year: Renaissance Faires, school programs, play pre-shows, weddings, and other private events, etc.

Rehearsals are generally 5-8pm, 3 out of 4 Sundays, in Ojai.

Our repertoire includes roughly 100 songs, almost all written prior to 1650. We sing memorized. Each singer is expected to be able to sing alone on their part. It usually takes a year for new members to feel ‘up to speed’. Music reading is not necessary; some of our singers learn entirely by ear.

In general, the vocal quality required is pure straight tone and blending capability.
Ranges: Bass G2-C4, Tenor C3-G4, Alto A3-D5, Soprano D4-G5.

While the group is paid to perform, the singers are volunteers. All moneys go toward recording costs and defraying travel expenses. We have traveled to Europe four times on self-guided singing tours — to Barcelona, Sienna, and Prague. Another European sojourn is in the discussion phase right now.

We’re a diverse, merry band of minstrels! We enjoy the spirit of the Renaissance almost as much as the music. Fun, imagination, and playfulness inspire and delight us. Singing from the heart to the hearts of our audience is our highest aim.

If this fits with your ability, level of commitment, and passion, we would love to have you join the group! Call Patrick, 805-280-9280 for auditioning information.
